Thursday, 28 July 2016

Days Out: RHS Wisley

One of the best things about summer is getting to spend long lazy days outdoors enjoying the sunshine and I thought that, having children would mean even more of this, but it doesn't always work out like that! Needless to say, I'm always on the hunt for places to go with the tinies that doesn't cost the earth and where I can relax while Charlie explores.

RHS Wisley was on our doorstep for years when we were living in Surrey, so while the hubs was playing cricket a couple on Sundays ago, I arranged to meet a couple of my girlfriends and their children there for a day out.

The weather was glorious (even a tad too hot at times) and Wisley's gardens were in full bloom. It was a perfect day for a picnic under the shade of a few trees so, while the kiddies chomped away and played nearby, we got a chance to catch up.
Although we clearly weren't the only ones with the idea, Wisley is so fast and the gardens so established that it's easy to find your own little piece of the English county garden.

BTW, the co-ord with our Bugaboo Donkey was completely unplanned; I don't always wear red, but having a double buggy in such a bright colour does means everyone can see you coming and makes it so much easier!

No sooner had they finished munching their lunch, three of the five kiddies were desperate to explore (the other two are only babies, so they happily snoozed or stared at the plants as we wheeled them past), so we took to a few of the numerous routes around the gardens. Wisley is so pram friendly that there were only a few paths that we couldn't take and there was plenty to entertain as as we explored. From plant with leaves bigger than us, to lily ponds and duck ponds; I had to stop Charlie from walking in to a few as he kept thinking he was at the beach and could walk right in! Thank goodness for his Buzz Lightyear rucksack and reigns!

Always inquisitive, the littlies were keen to know the names of all the flowers they past, luckily they were all labeled as there were so many different ones that caught their eyes!

One of the most beautiful areas of the gardens is the wooden bridge over the lily pond which had us all captivated and, of course, was a perfect opportunity for a few quick snaps!

Even though we could all have happily spent the rest of the day wondering through the winding pathways of the gardens, I headed off to catch the last of the cricket while the others headed home to enjoy the remaining sunshine at home.

If you're enjoying my days out series, you'll love what's coming up over the next few weeks as we make the most of the sunny days together as a family.


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